089 - Hex Hollow: Witchcraft and Murder in Pennsylvania Featuring Shane Free

Episode 89 September 26, 2021 01:27:11
089 - Hex Hollow: Witchcraft and Murder in Pennsylvania Featuring Shane Free
Bob After Dark
089 - Hex Hollow: Witchcraft and Murder in Pennsylvania Featuring Shane Free

Sep 26 2021 | 01:27:11


Show Notes

Remember last year we did an episode about the Hex Hollow Murders? Long story short, it was a famous true crime case that involved witchcraft, and in essence a witch trial story. It shocked the area surrounding the have folk who practice Pennsylvania Dutch folk magick, and it got media attention all over the world. Fast forward to modern day. Meet film maker Shane Free with Freestyle Media. He made a documentary that you can watch right now on Amazon called Hex Hollow: Witchcraft and Murder in Pennsylvania. The documentary actually has interviews with people who lived through the case, and as we find out in his interview, the strange occurrences around his film. Also in the episode we talk about littering ghost…hunters.

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