111 - The Holders

Episode 111 August 19, 2022 01:07:33
111 - The Holders
Bob After Dark
111 - The Holders

Aug 19 2022 | 01:07:33


Show Notes

Imagine you have the ability to change the world. Maybe you can live out some crazy super hero fantasy you have, or...maybe you're looking to become a villain. Well, unless you were born with laser vision, chances are neither of those fantasies will come true. However, what if I was to tell you there are objects that will give you the ability to create or destroy. Behold The Holders. These are objects containing supernatural abilities. What are they? An object you can find by entering a hospital, halfway house, or mental facility. Each item has a test with a set of rules. Pass the rules? Get the item. Fail and well...nothing good can come from it. Beware however, The Holders are said never to be all collected by one person. In this episode, we look at this Creepy Pasta series, and take a deep dive into some of our favorite objects in The Holders Series. You can find all of these at https://www.creepypasta.com/tag/the-holders/

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