Welcome to spooky season, Children of the Night! To kick off the month, we're going to be looking at one of the most haunted venues in the Midwest. Ever been to Milwaukee? It's a wonderful city filled with beer, cheese, Brewers, and Pabst Blue Ribbon. Well, in Milwaukee, we have a very old venue that once held the largest gathering of an organization. The Eagles is a fraternity that does a lot of charity work, and their main headquarters was once in this building. Over the years, it was a: HQ, sporting gym, homeless shelter, ballroom, and now a music venue. Also, like any building we talk about on this show, it has a lot of tragic death. Considered to be one of the most haunted places to play a concert, staff says there isn't one band who hasn't had a weird experience there. Everything from children hiding in coat racks, a strange mist hovering around a now defunct swimming pool...this building has everything.
I believe it was the famous poet, Sam the Sham and The Pharaohs who said, "Hey there, Little Red Riding Hood. You sure are...
A Whitmans Sampler of what makes Wiggly great: Secrets, Office Intrigue, Greeks and of course, Zagron. Keep your fleshlight handy, you will not want...
In the year 2012, the world became infatuated with a modern day mythology figure known as The Slender Man. A tall male humanoid, dawning...