Latest Episodes
131 - Ghost Trains
Choo-Choo! All aboard the Spooky-Express! This week, we look at the interesting stories behind ghost trains. Whether they are actual spectral trains or a...
130 - The Rake
No, not the garden tool! The Rake is a creature born of internet lore, on all places 4Chan. The post read as follows: Here’s...
129 - ACG Paranormal Returns
Meet Nat and Eliot from ACG Paranormal. We talked to them a while back, and we had so much fun that they have come...
128 - The SCP Foundation Re-Visited
Secure. Contain. Protect. That is the mission of the SCP Foundation. A group that deals in anomalous objects and individuals. It started as a...
127 - The Backrooms
According to the Backrooms Wiki, "If you're not careful and no-clip out of reality in wrong areas, you'll end up in the Backrooms, where...
126 - Kuchisake-onna
"Do you think I'm beautiful?" Could very well be the last words you hear. Let us introduce you to the creature known as the...