Latest Episodes
125 - Batsquatch
What do you get when you cross Bigfoot, and Mothaman? You get Batquatch. Batquatch is a flying bigfoot like creature that has bat facial...
124 - Polybius
Bob's back from Magfest! So, we want to talk about a spooky video game story. Instead of a creepypasta, why don't we look at...
123 - The Loch Ness Monster aka Nessie
We gave Count Panek a chance to pick an episode, and he chose a cryptid we never discussed before. This week we travel to...
122 - Northwest Indiana Paranormal Featuring Steve Michaels
You may remember him, you may not. This is Pete Ghrist, he leads Northwest Indiana Paranormal. Not only is he an officer, but he...
121 - Graveside Paranormal/The Pair-A -Normal Guys Podcast
Meet Neal Gibbons and Steve Leinweber. They run a paranormal touring company called Graveside Paranormal and host a podcast called The Pair-A-Normal Guys Podcast....
120 - Don Bernacky: Teacher, Story Teller, and Paranormal Investigator
Meet Don Bernacky, by day he's a high school teacher teaching history. By night? Paranormal Investigator. He is one of the influences behind Bob...