Latest Episodes

112 - The Devouring Gourd and The Vegetable Man of West Virginia
This is the most ridiculous concept to an episode we researched of all time. Easily. The first part of the lore comes to us...

111 - The Holders
Imagine you have the ability to change the world. Maybe you can live out some crazy super hero fantasy you have, or...maybe you're looking...

109 - La Mala Hora
Meet Kamani and Thomas Garcia. They are a hilarious duo of married paranormal investigators out of New Mexico. Hosting a popular paranormal YouTube show...

108 - Interview with Bishop James Long
Have you ever heard of Bobby Mackey's Music World? It is a very haunted nightclub in Wilder Kentucky. Most noted for being one of...

107 - Ghost Camels and The Red Ghost
Camels are strange animals. They have large humps, spit, and live in a constant state of heat. Now, what do you think about when...

106 - Abhartach the Vampire Lord of Ireland
Did you know its Count Panek's birthday?! In celebration, we wanted to look at a vampire story. Now, there is vampire myths all across...